Saturday, December 16, 2006

Amazing body painting!!!!

Its sooooooo cute~~!!!! haha.... realli, how did they think of doing this....??? Its amazing.... :P

Angry fishies~

I dunno wat they r doing, but its realli cute...hehe

Two fishies *kissing*...sweet....hehe



Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gross.... (>.<)"

Got these pics from an email...... Its taken from the Real Body Exibition.... Yup, u got it... Its REAL BODY!!!!!!! Not fake ones that is made of plastic or other materials.... They used some kind of chemicals to preserved it...... Super, super grossssss........

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Just had my MUET test this morning. wake up 6.30am, cousin coming to fetch me at 7am coz the exam start at 7.30am or so thats wat printed in the slip. So, i wait, and wait and wait for my cousin. (cousin taking the exam too) Aih..till 7.15am, bayang pun tak nampak!!! Got panic, phoned him... then onli got to know that he wont be taking the exam coz he lost his exam slip and he already sms me about it but i obviously had not receive the sms...... Aih...all because of DIGI, my phone line got problem since yesterday evening......

Okok, back here..... Left 15minutes to reach MMU, obiviously not enough time coz from my house to MMU need at least 25minutes... So, my dad ended up fetching me to MMU, speed the car all the Reach MMU at about 7.40am, worried that i wont be allowed to take the exam. Walk as fast as i Reach my destination, which is actually Main Hall. Thank god.. outside main hall is crowded with ppl, which means that the test had not started yet.. haha.. Turns out that the exam actually start at 8am, not 7.30am..... aih.. scared me onli.. (-.-)"

This exam include listening, writing and reading comprehension... The speaking test i've done it last month. Overall the test is quite hard, i mean for me lar... The essay was quite hard.... Its not realli clear on wat the question wants and kinda hard for me to come out with the points... aih....... hope i did okay... (*finger crossed*) Ohya, and the listening....very geram ah!!! Cant realli hear wat its saying, u noe la...main hall, the area is very got echo ah.... Haiiiiiihhhh.... and i think i can score in my listening test.... Hancur!!!!!! A lot of tembak-tembak in the listening test......Wait tembak all wrong, DIE.......!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

End of holidays~

Yup, today is the last day of my holiday..... Aih........ feel kinda sad... Still in holiday mood. hehe Hmmm...come to think of it, i havent done much this holiday, tak jadi go Genting.... So hav to stay at melaka during the holidays... Done a little shopping, bought some tv all day long..... everyday eat, sleep, eat, sleep....whahaa........ Oink!!

Aih...tomorrow start classes ady...aih.... realli sien..... And i hav a 8am class. Ergghhhhhhh......just hate morning class.... hav to wake up so early..... Taking 3 subjects this sem, which is phsycology, malaysian studies and microeconomics.... Its a short sem, so just 3 subjects...... Just a 2 month long trimester....

Monday, October 23, 2006

Funny comments!!

This is the comments given by the students of NTU to a certain lecturer...hehe
Super funny u noe!!! They are a bunch of really creative Some even wrote poems.... How poetic~~ Its hilarious......

I wonder how the lecturer looked.......hhmmm..... One things for sure, i noe that he is bald...heheeh (^.^)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Which emotions are you feeling rite now????

How do u feel rite now??? hahaha.. For me, i'm definitely happie coz am having my holiday..haha
(^.^) How about u?? (o_?)"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Just for laughs...

Some funny pics i've posted..........

Funny mah??? huh?? huh?? funny boh? lol Aih..boring mah, tak jadi go Genting, so mah stay at home lor..... Got wu liao, so posted this few funny pics..hehe just for laughs....

Monday, October 16, 2006


Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored......lalalalala~ lalalalalala~ OMG!!! i have nothing to write here..... Bored to death, do nothing but eat and sleep, and i have basically nothing to write here... Aihhh........ Come to think of it, all my my holidays were like that....hahha Okokok, shall find something interesting to do this holiday to kill my time......... Shall blog more after that..hehe
ohya, any suggestions???

Friday, October 13, 2006


Yea, finally finished my final exam...... just had my last paper just now...... wat a relief... after 2 long weeks of studying and studying and can have some rest..hehehe...
In the lab, waiting for my dad to come and fetch me...... Eventhough its after exam, cant help but worrying the results....haih....
(*fingers crossed*) hoping for the best...hehe

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why Chinese must not have English names ?????

Here is the reasons' why:

Anne Chang ( Mandarin )- Dirty
Anne Chin ( Mandarin ) - Keep quiet
Faye Chen ( Mandarin ) - Dusty
Carl Cheng ( Hokkien ) - Buttock
Monica Cheng ( Hokkien ) - Touching your buttocks
Lucy Leow ( Hokkien ) - You are dead
Jane Tan ( Mandarin ) - Frying eggs
Suzie Leow ( Hokkien ) - Lost till death
Henry Mah ( Mandarin ) - Hate your mum
Corrine Tai ( Hokkien ) - Poor fellow
Paul Chan ( Mandarin ) - Bankrupt
Nelson Tan ( Mandarin ) - Bird laying eggs
Leslie Tong ( Mandarin ) - Rubbish bin
Carmen Tng ( Hokkien ) - Leg hair long
Connie Mah ( Cantonese ) - Call your mother
Danny See ( Hokkien ) - Squeeze you to death
Rosie Teng ( Hokkien ) - Screws and nails
Pete Tsai ( Hokkien ) - Nose droppings
Macy Koh ( Cantonese) - Never die before

So, anyone who wanted an english name, pls dun choose any of those..haha... or u will get "ejek" for the rest of ur

p/s- yeah! last paper paper....... hope i noe how to answer the questions...especially the essay, 20 marks somemore.......!!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cerita di sebuah biara...

Seorang laki-laki sedang mengendarai mobilnyaketika tiba-tiba saja mobilnya mogok tepatdi depan sebuah biara. Hari sudah gelap danbiara itu berada di sebuah pegunungan.Lelaki itu memutuskan untuk masuk ke biarauntuk meminta pertolongan, maka diketuknyapintu biara dan ia berkatakepada para pendeta yang membukakan pintu"maaf permisi, mobil saya mogok,dan hari sudah malam, apakah saya bolehmenginap disini satu malam saja!"Para pendeta itu dengan ramah menyambutnya,menyediakan makanan, bahkan memperbaikimobilnya.Ketika si lelaki itu sudah hampir tertidur,tiba-tiba di dengarnya suara yang sangat aneh.Keesokan paginya dia bertanya ke para pendetamengenai suara aneh yang didengarnya semalam.Tapi mereka berkata "maaf kami tidak dapatmemberitahukan anda, sebab anda bukanpendeta".Si lelaki agak kecewa,tapi bagaimanapun dia tetap berterima kasihdan kembali meneruskan perjalanannya.Beberapa tahun kemudian, lelaki yang samamengalami kejadian yang sama pula,kendaraannya mogok di depan biara yang sama.Para pendeta kembali menyambutnya dengansangat ramah, menyediakan makanan danmemperbaikimoilnya, ketika si lelaki hampir tertidur,dia kembali mendengar suara anehyang sama seperti yang di dengarnyabeberapa tahun lalu.Maka keesokan paginya lelaki itu kembalibertanya pada para pendeta, dan kembali pulapendeta-pendeta itu berkata "maaf kami tidakdapat memberitahukan anda, sebab anda bukanpendeta".Si lelaki benar-benar penasaran, lalu dia menjawab"okey ....okey saya sudah tidak tahan lagi,kalau satu-satunya cara untuk tahu suara apa yangsaya dengar itu adalah dengan menjadi pendeta,baiklah, tolong beritahu saya bagaimanacaranya menjadi pendeta!"Salah seorang Pendeta menjawab, "Kamu harusberkeliling dunia dan sekembalinya, kamu harusbisa memberitahu kami berapa persisnya jumlahdaun dan jumlah butiran pasir di bumi ini,jika kamu sudah berhasil mendapatkan jumlah itu,maka kamu akan menjadi pendeta."Maka si lelaki itu melaksanakan tugasnya,setelah empat puluh lima tahun, dia kembalidan mengetuk pintu biara, dia berkata"saya sudah berkeliling dunia dan telah menghitungsepanjang perjalanan saya, saya juga terusbertanya kepada setiap orang yang saya jumpa,terdapat 145,236,284,232 helai daun dan231,281,219,999,129,382 butir pasir di bumi ini."Para pendeta menjawab "Selamat, kamu sekarangadalah seorang pendeta, oleh karena itu kamiakan menunjukkan pada kamu jalan menuju suarayang kamu dengar dahulu."Para pendeta membimbing lelaki itu ke sebuahpintu kayu, lalu pimpinan pendeta berkata"suara itu berasal persis di balik pintu ini"Si lelaki meraih pegangan pintu, namun ternyatapintu itu terkunci, lalu dia berkata "ini lucu,tapi saya lagi tidak ingin bercanda, tolong berikansaya kuncinya..." Pemimpin pendeta memberikankunci,lalu lelaki itu membuka pintu.Dibalik pintu kayu ternyata ada pintu lain,sebuah pintu batu, kembali si lelaki meminta kunci,pendeta memberikan kunci, dan si lelaki membukapintu,dan ternyata dibalik pintu batu, masih ada pintuyang lain, sebuah pintu dari emas, kembali si lelakimeminta kunci, membuka pintu, lalu menemukanpintu yang lain, yaitu yang terbuat dari perak,begitu terus yang terjadi, pintu dari permata,pintu dari perunggu, pintu tembaga...Hingga akhirnya para pendeta berkata"ini adalah kunci terakhir untuk pintu yangterakhir".Lelaki itu akhirnya lega setelah capai denganpenantian.Dibukanya pintu terakhir yang terbuat dari tanahliat,menyentuh pegangan pintu dan terpana luar biasabegitu melihat sumber suara yang telahmembuatnya penasaran bertahun-tahun......Geser ke bawah ...............jika ingin tahu...................sumber suara itu berasal...........Terus ke bawah..........Terus lagi kebawah .....Dikit lagi kebawah ....Maaf .............kami tidak dapat memberitahukan anda, ........sebab anda bukan pendeta ! ! !

Cha Dao!!! kek sim betul.... baca cerita ini yang tersangat amat panjang, akhirnya tak dapat pulak tahu mengapanya adanya bunyi aneh di biara itu..... haih..nampaknya saya kena jadi seorang pendeta lah tu!!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Watch it.....definitely worth it.....hahah. It may take some time to load though....
Go, go PROTEK!!!! ahaha.. I am sooooooooooo buying that toothpaste!!!!! hehee

Here's the URL-

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Busy, busy, busy...........

Been busy lately... Busy with assigment/project, busy with presentation...hahah (although i dun hav to do any presentation for this trimester..hehe), busy with quiz, busy with finals which is coming real soon...haih...... Havent even study yet........ My final exam is on the 3rd october till 13th october....... about one week from now......aiksss!!

p/s- Cant wait for the holidays!!! hahahaha..... (havent even start exam, waiting for the holidays ady...hahah)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Monster House
Watched this movie on tuesday......At first i thought the movie is not nice, but after watching it, its not bad.....some funny and scary elements insided...hehe... Watch the movie at 12.15pm...
The theatre is almost empty, onli 10++ ppl inside, paid rm5 to watched this... Thanks to my ID card...haha... Students get But cant use it during the weekend though... Went with 3 of my frens..secondary school frens.......
Oh ya, here's some pics from the movie.......still worth watching for 5 ringgit...haha.....
in the monster house........

In the

haha..this guy is

keeping an eye on the house......shhh~~ shhh~~~

Monday, August 28, 2006

Finished midterm test....

Yup, finally finished my midterm exam for this trimester.... Last paper on friday...... Got back some of the results...haha... So far so good..... Havent seen any "red marks" yet..haha Hope dun hav though..haih.. But i am scared for Accounting. Just found out that i did a lot of mistakes in the exam...haih.. Scared le......

Although its after misterm ady, but still hav piles of assigment waiting for me.. haih.... Never ending assigment.....sien.... Some havent even started yet... Die ah~~~~~~~~~ mood to write liao la.... Next time blog more......

Friday, August 18, 2006

A Horrible Fact About KFC !!!!!

Got this in an email from a fren, u will be shocked after reading this......... Dunno whether its true anot..... Its totally up to u whether u wanna believe it or not.... So, here it is.....

KFC has been a part of our American traditions for many years. Many people, day in and day out, eat at KFC religiously. Do they really know what they are eating? During a recent study of KFC done at the University of New Hampshire, they found some very upsetting facts. First of all, has anybody noticed that just recently, the company has changed their name?

Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC. Does anybody know why? We thought the real reason was because of the "FRIED" food issue.

The reason why they call it KFC is because they can not use the word chicken anymore. Why? KFC does not use real chickens. They actually use genetically manipulated organisms. These so called "chickens" are kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to pump blood and nutrients throughout their structure. They have no beaks, no feathers, and no feet. Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them. This is great for KFC.

Because they do not have to pay so much for their production costs. There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal of the beaks and feet. The government has told them to change all of their menus so they do not say chicken anywhere. If you look closely you will notice this. Listen
to their commercials, I guarantee you will not see or hear the word chicken. I find this matter to be very disturbing.

I hope people will start to realize this and let other people know. Please forward this message to as many people as you can. Together we make KFC start using real chicken again.

Deidre Williams
Mis Tech, Boston/Hingham
Boston (617) 626-1295
Hingham (781) 740-1600 ext.112

Soooooooo, still feel like eating KFC????

Saturday, August 12, 2006

So So So NOT TRUE!!!

Saw this so called "explanation" in the buletin.
Here is the statement---->

Finally - an explanation of Woman that makes sense to a man:
to find a woman....u need money n time...therefore

WOMAN= Time X Money

time is gold..and gold is



WOMAN= Money X Money

money is d root of all problems

Problems= Money X Money


WOMAN= Money X Money= Problem:


Friday, August 04, 2006


Yeah!!! midterm break...!!! Yuhooo.........~~ happie now.... Gonna have a break for one whole week...hahahah But the midterm break oso called "the study week"...haih... Means tat gonna hav a lots of midterm exam after the break... so ke lian.... Hav to study during the break..
hahah..nvm..dun care....dun *yeah...!!! holiday........*hehee :P

*i am abit siao today..hehe.. too happy maybe~*

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Boring afternoon~like it always hav been.......

B . O . R . E . D ~ ~ ~ Just finished my first midterm paper for this first trimester of my BETA year... For the subject Fundamentals of Business, for me its quite an easy subject if compared to BIM-Information System and Multimedia and Financial Accounting which is soooo soooo much harder.... Which is mainly bcoz of the BIM lecturer is from INDIA, and i just cant understand his matter how hard i its still a blurr to me... (but the lecturer is good at giving tips...hehe..thanks sir!!!)now dun get me wrong i am not discriminating or anything and i am not saying that all Indians that comes form India is like tat...coz its not!! I get the the same lecturer for both my BIM and BFB (fundamentals of Business) but BFB is a much easier subject compared to BIM..

So, the accent of the lecturer + BIM = extremely hard!!!

And as for Accounting, i've always hated tat subject... hmm..... nah, never like it b4..... Coz basically i hated math, which leads to hating accounting as well :) But still, math a lot more easier to understand.... For accounting i just dunno wat to put debit and wat to put credit..hahah
Ya, its that bad huh??? :( But i can still get A for my last sem accounting 2 result.....) Haha, all thanks to CHAI PING THE GENIUS!!! a realli good fren of mine, extremely good in her results, unlike me.... :( sob* sob* All because of her teaching ME ( an accounting BAI CHI!!) accounting
a few hours before exam...haha. Realli glad tat i had kacau-ed her b4 the exam....haha Sorie ah to kacau u...hehehe still sitting in the lab...doing nth accept blogging and sweating...ahhhh.... The stupid lab of MMU....air-con broke oso dunwan repair... making this lab like in the sauna like hot..... So, now i am curently....


I hav had enough of the hotness, got to go and leave this sauna lab.....tara...

p/s- See, i am making it all grey in colour..all becoz i am bored...hmmph...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Did 2 embarassing things in 1 day.......

Monday, 31 july 2006

#1st incident
hmm....haha...its monday morning, got accounting tutorial, 11am class at FSER3015... Arrived at 11.50am, so thought of going to the toilet, u noe gals like to go to the toilet mah... (wonder wat r we doing in there, huh???) So, as i was walking to the toilets, i straight went into the one on the right... *coz usually female toilets are on the right, i mean for MMU...or so i assume....* And so, i think u can guess wat happened next.......YA, I WENT INTO THE MALE TOILET!!!! When i went in, i was still blurr blurr, still not realized....haha..untill i saw the "thing" men pee into.... (erm...i dunno wat it is Then onli i suspected tat i was in the wrong toilet..then i go back to the door and see the sign....haha....and ya...i was in the wrong toilet.... Luckily, there was no ppl around....haha... Or else, i'll just hav to burried my face in the ground....or or do some magic tricks and make myself dissapear!!

#2nd incident
This one happened at around 4pm in the library.....b4 going back, my sis wanna used my student ID to borrow books but then she forget to take smth and ask me to wait for her in the in i went..taking out my ID card, coz without ur ID card, u cant get into the library.... The library got this machine thingy and u hav to put ur ID card for it to scan in order to get into the library......... So, i was puting my card on it, and nothing happend... i tot it rosak liao, so try the other one.....again, nth happened...haha.. Then the security guard said put ur ID card, and i look at my ID card (or so i thought was my ID card), hahah...turns out that it is not my ID........its my IC...OMG!!!....I took the wrong card all this while....then i paiseh-ly take out my ID card... Haih, so paiseh......i was so stupid to hav mistaken my IC for my student card.. LOLZZZZ.....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Other Side of SUPERMAN!!!!!

SUPERMAN!!! A popular movie now....These are the pictures somebody send to my email....... I think u will practically burst out laughing just by looking at the pics...wahahha YA, i noe.... its hilarious..... When i first look at it, i laughed so hard, till there is tears coming out of my eyes..wakakaka* I knew u all will like it, so out of the goodness of my heart, lolz.... I've decided to post it all here..hehe So, u will all be laughing ur heads off........

WOW!!!* pink* love it.... The kawaii superman, little gals will sure to like it...hehe...

OMG!!! Winnie the pooh oso got!!! O.0" piglet on the shoulder *big tummy*

Wah.........the sexy superman......*speechless* (-.-)"

Doremon+superman= damn funny lar..... (a much much smaller head version of doremon !!!) lolz :P

Hahaha, nice legs...............*droolssssss...* OMG, the skirt it way tooooo short.......

Hmm, they can actually film a comedy call "Superman Ballet" and he can actually wear the superman costume to a ballet competition, performances or'll be a realli funny movie... hahaha.....

Wah, nice boots.....nice handbag too....... (@.@)"

Ooooohhhhhhhh, the TA CHANG JING version of supeman...hahah....

OMG!!!! i put 2 same pics....sorie...just ignore this....

Yeah!! and finally the Hello Kitty of superman....hahah...soooooo

Oh ya, before i go, here's a joke about superman and ya, this post its all mainly about him..hahah so any jokes or pics are related to

* Why the clothes that superman wears are all so tight???* haha, i noe ur answer is he will hav less resistance when flying..that's wat many of them said BUT that is not the answer....... THE ANSWER IS.....

*It is actually because superman is constantly wearing "S" size clothes, too small for him..hahaha....*(NOTE*-The big "S" on his chest= small size)

hahaha, yala yala...i noe.. its lame la..... but i find it realli funny ler........... laugh laugh a bit mah... entertain me a bit lorr.........(~.~)"

Monday, July 24, 2006

Gengsterisme 2

Haih, again......It happen again.. This time at UPM and again someone manage to capture the whole thing in a video. LOLzzz.... these guys really awesome..... haha They risk their lives in trying to video-ing the incident. The feller might get punched in the face or get bruises all over their body in doing so....haha. Realli, ppl who commit gengsterisme, dunno wats in their heads...
Why do they have to use violent to solve the problems??? VOILENCE CANNOT SOLVE PROBLEMS!! I've go the link to the video, if u r interested, u can watch.....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

How wu liao can MMU students be???

After watching the video, i noe some of the MMU students can be extremely wu liao...lolzzz... But i gotta giv them credit for their creativity and its sooo DAMN funny~~!!! Its hilarious...... Seriously, if u r in a bad mood either just breaking up with ur gf/bf or u just had a bad hair day or watever...this video is highly recommended!!! *thumbs up* You r gonna all happie and cheerfull and bubbly again after watching it....haha.. So, here it is... gonna put the video here...
Enjoy guys~~!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored..........(and it goes on and on~) Gonna bored to death, my life's a routine basically..... class, eat, computer, sleep, watch tv, study........ nth more to it.... Just these little events kept on rotating,(like a wheel) over and over and over again..... Lol My life is definitely lack of exictment.... Sometimes i wonder, is it all other ppl life's the same or its just mine.....hmmmm~~~~ (thinking real hard, till got i think my life is just dull...... haih..... haha...but come to think of it, i mean this kind of life its not that bad, has it pros and cons.. this kind of life is alwiz calm, not changing and stable.... I think i prefer this kind of life other than the "alwiz changing life" although maybe its more challenging and exicting...
So, if u get to choose which one do u prefer??? hahaha..... That will kept u

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Really dunno what our world have become......Social problems had grown from bad to worse.....
When u read the word "gangsterisme", u will probably think of guys doing all the violent stuff such as killing or fighting or hitting each other, etc.....well u noe wat i mean..... But in todays newspaper, on the FRONT COVER is actually the news of some gals hitting and bullying another gal......and it actuaaly had a video of it....haha. Somebody actually recorded it from the beginning till the end.....awesome!!!!! I've just watch it this morning....haha.... Its weird though, the gals doing this gangsterisme thingy actually allowed or unaware tat there is this person filming it....
Dun they scared tat the video might get into the hands of their school teachers, their parents, the police or even the media (as it already does....)???? If it really does, they r SCREWED!!!! Anyway, here's the website....go watch the

p/s- i think the video has been cut, not the whole thing just one part of the incident.....

Friday, June 23, 2006

wat my birthdate means!!???

Your Birthdate: February 2
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.
Your strength: Your universal compassion
Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings
Your power color: Mauve
Your power symbol: Butterfly
Your power month: February

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Well, its kinda a short holiday, onli 3 weeks...(for me its short anyway...) Now coming to the end of the holiday, come to think of it, i havent done much during this holiday....Well, for starters i havent gone anywhere outside Melaka during this vacation for me.... (T.T) All i do was a couple of shopping trips, stayed at home, watched televison, sleep and EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT!!! haha....u will definitely gain some weight during holidays becoz all u do is eat and sleep...haha.... My dad said that i had become fatter, lolz...haha...but i dun think so....i hav been watching my weight so far, i am not gaining weight, but actually losing weight just a little...(weird, huh????)

Starting new sem next week, my first sem in Beta year, taking International Business (IB). New classmates, new lecturer, new subject, new experience and BAAAAAADDDDD timetable......... My timetable for this sem SUX....haih.....the stupid MMU ppl never tell us wats the exact time tat we can start registering for our subject, and i ended up being 1 hour late, and some of the classes ady fulled!!!! My perfect timetable became horrible...haih......(Frust!! Frust!!) haih.. just hav to bear wif it till the end of the trimester..........

~Going to celebrate Father's Day tonight, YEAH!!!! Going out to eat....yum* yum*...hehe......... Just wanna wish all the fathers in the world, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!~

Monday, May 29, 2006


My mum make some dumpling early in the morning today...and i wake up early, got nth to do... so decided to take some photos....haaha. I captured the photo during process of making [my mum scolded me for kacau-ing her when she was making the dumpling..haha (~.~)"] So, here's the pics...........

This is the leaves that is use to wrap the dumpling. Hav to wash it clean b4 using it.....
[ I had no idea, wat kind of tumbuhan the leaves came from...last time my mum told me b4, but i forget ady....lolx]

This is the rice......

The isi, got lots of things inside.....




Tada!!!......finished making a dumpling...hahaah