Monday, March 13, 2006


Hmm..this morning..had a PCA0035 is actually a computer class.... The lecturer ask us to make a banner and pass up before the class ended... haha... and this is wat i Tada~~


Sprained Toe

Haih...yesterday sprained my toe.....(-.-)" Really painfull... Happened while trying to jump higher to show my sis and bro...wahaha....rubing my toe with some oil all night...trying to make it better...haih..but still really painfull....haih.. Nvm la... it will be better in a week or so....i hope so....(@.@)" in the lab..waiting for my PBU class (business management).... haih... talking about business remind me of the project.... some group already start selling their stuff...or...even planned to start give out flyers next week.. Cham!!....our group havent done anything...yet.......

okie...gtg to class..

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